While Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria have hit Texas, the Gulf Coast, and Florida, we've been lucky in Virginia so far this hurricane season. That wasn't true last year at this time. Many people may remember how Hurricane Matthew hit the Hampton Roads area hard in October 2016. Though …
Solar Panels in the Shade? Top Mistakes to Avoid when You Go Solar
We're lucky here in Virginia. Most of our colleagues at other companies who install solar panels in the state do high quality work at a fair price. Usually, homeowners who want solar can be confident that they're in good hands if they hire an installer based in the state. As to large national …
Plan Now to Go Solar in January or February and Save $500
In the late summer heat, snowy days may seem far off. But if you plan ahead for winter now, you can save $500 on solar. We don't put a lot of promotional stuff on this blog, because we want to keep it interesting for our readers. So most of our articles are news about solar in Virginia along with …